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Paper backup and recovery guide for `pass` (Password Store) - SSH and GPG keys

  • pass
  • password-manager
  • backup
  • recovery
  • ssh
  • gpg

You will want to go through these instructions, copy-paste this blog post to your own Microsoft Word/Google Doc, replace the keys with your own, and print a copy for safe-keeping. This paper copy will be the only thing you need to recover in case of a total loss of all devices.

Printing tips
  1. Select all of the text on this blog post and copy-paste to a new Microsoft Word/Google Doc with the formatting
  2. Adjust the page margins to 0.5" on all sides
  3. In Google Docs, remove the tan background color by selecting everything then Format -> Paragraph styles -> Borders and shading -> Background color -> None

If you're curious to get a preview of how the setup will look and how pass works, this Dreams Of Code video is a great resource. This blog post also goes over the initial setup of pass so that the printed instructions include everything you need to fully bootstrap a new device in case of recovery and so you have a reference on how you initially set everything when you're trying to recall months/years later. The core new piece of information that this blog post goes over is how to backup your SSH and GPG keys to paper and recover from them in case of emergency.

It's also a good idea to practice your recovery steps by setting up a new device using the paper copy instead of just copying key files over. For example, I set everything up on my Linux PC and was able to fully recover on my Macbook using the paper copy.

For reference, I was able to fully migrate from the Chrome's built-in password manager to pass (imported everything using my pass-import-chrome project). I also use pass as a complete replacement for Authy/Google Authenticator to manage one-time passwords (OTP) with the pass-otp extension.

Table of Contents (quick-links):

pass (Password Store) - Emergency recovery instructions

Project: https://www.passwordstore.org/

If you're reading these instructions, it probably means:

  • You're setting up a new device
  • Everything burned down to the ground and we need to fully recover

Initial pass setup

Note: These initial setup steps are just provided for context in case you need to reference how things were first created. If you're looking for instructions on how to restore/recover to a new device, jump to the "Setting up a new computer (restore/recovery)" section below.

Generate GPG key used to encrypt/decrypt data

Setup a GPG key that will be used to encrypt data. You will be prompted for a name/email but this can be set to anything and is just used to help you recognize the key. You will also be prompted for a passphrase to protect the key. The passphrase should be something memorable because you will be using it over and over to decrypt your passwords.

$ gpg --gen-key
$ gpg --list-keys
# Update so that the key doesn't expire
# (key expiry can be updated whenever, even after expiration)
$ gpg --edit-key 0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769
gpg> expire
Key is valid for? (0) 0
gpg> save

Make sure AEAD encryption is disabled otherwise you will run into compatibility problems with other OpenPGP implementations like PGPainless that the Android Password Store app uses.

  $ gpg --expert --edit-key 0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769
  # Check if AEAD is advertised as being supported
  gpg> showpref
  [ultimate] (1). test-blog-post <[email protected]>
       Cipher: AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES
+      AEAD: OCB
       Digest: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224, SHA1
       Compression: ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, Uncompressed
+      Features: MDC, AEAD, Keyserver no-modify

  # Disable AEAD
  gpg> setpref AES256 AES192 AES SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP
  Set preference list to:
       Cipher: AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES
-      AEAD:
       Digest: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224, SHA1
       Compression: ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, Uncompressed
-      Features: MDC, Keyserver no-modify
  Really update the preferences? (y/N) y

Setup pass:

Install pass and pass-otp (see the dependencies section below).

Initialize the password store with the GPG key you just generated:

$ pass init 0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769
$ pass git init

Create a private repo on GitHub/GitLab that will be used as the remote backup for our password store. Since the password files are encrypted, the only exposure is revealing which sites you have accounts with, which is not ideal, but the convenience of a git-based remote backup outweighs this small metadata leak in my opinion. Remember, they won't know the email or username associated with the accounts as long as you avoid using them in the file names. I use a naming scheme like "github.com/personal" and "github.com/work" to keep it ambiguous.

$ pass git remote add origin [email protected]:MadLittleMods/password-store.git
$ pass git branch -M main
$ pass git push -u origin main

Add SSH key to clone password repo

Create an SSH key that we can use to clone the password repo without access to our GitHub account:

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "MadLittleMods/password-store deploy key"
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/eric/.ssh/id_ed25519): /home/eric/.ssh/id_ed25519_password_store_deploy_key
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:

(suggested name: id_ed25519_password_store_deploy_key)

Note: No password necessary on the SSH key since the passwords we're cloning are already encrypted and it's just another friction step to figure out during recovery.

Add the public part of the SSH key to the deploy key section of the GitHub repo (deploy keys are just repo-scoped SSH keys). Go to your repo settings -> Deploy keys -> Add deploy key -> For the Key field, paste in cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_password_store_deploy_key.pub and add a Title like SSH key to clone repo for emergency recovery.

Backup necessary keys on paper:

Export keys for other devices:

  • SSH key in order to clone repo (private)
  • GPG key in order to decrypt passwords (public/private)

SSH key

Export the SSH private key as a QR Code (see the dependencies section below for how to install qrencode):

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_password_store_deploy_key | qrencode --size=5 --8bit --output ssh-private-password-store.qr.png

QR code image example of the SSH private key

Export the SSH key as text just in case the QR code is unreadable:

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_password_store_deploy_key


GPG Public Key

Export the GPG public key as a QR Code:

$ gpg --export 0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769 | qrencode --size=5 --8bit --output gpg-0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769-public.qr.png

QR code image example of the GPG public key

Export the GPG public key as armor/base64 text:

$ gpg --armor --export 0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769


GPG Secret key

Export the GPG secret key as a QR Code. We're using paperkey to reduce the size of the GPG secret key so it fits better in a QR code (see the dependencies section below for how to install paperkey):

$ gpg --export-secret-key 0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769 | paperkey --output-type raw | qrencode --size=5 --8bit --output gpg-0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769-secret.qr.png

QR code image example of the GPG secret key

Export the GPG secret key as armor/base64 text:

$ gpg --armor --export-secret-key 0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769


Depending on how good you think your memory is, you may want to write your GPG passphrase to unlock secret key somewhere in this document after it's printed (not good to write the passphrase in the document itself stored on your computer/cloud which isn't protected). I'll leave a place for your here in case you want to do that:

GPG passphrase: _______________________________________________

Setting up a new computer (restore/recovery)

Dependencies on Linux (Manjaro)

pamac install paperkey
pamac install qrencode
pamac install zbar

pamac install pass
pamac install pass-otp

Dependencies on macOS

brew install paperkey
brew install qrencode
brew install zbar

brew install pass
brew install pass-otp

Note: If another device still exists, we can simply copy the SSH/GPG keys from that device. But it's also good practice to attempt recovery from paper to make sure our recovery steps are possible.

Restore the SSH key from QR code

Restore the SSH key:

$ zbarcam -1 --raw -Sbinary > ~/tmp_ssh_private_key

Or if you already have an image:

$ zbarimg -1 --raw -q -Sbinary secret-key.qr.png > ~/tmp_ssh_private_key

Tip: I was having trouble with zbar recognizing the QR code when it was taking too much of the camera view. At first, I thought it was the fold/crease/wrinkle in the paper but it scanned just fine after backing it up a bit.

Move the SSH key to your ~/.ssh directory:

$ mv ~/tmp_ssh_private_key ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_password_store_deploy_key
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_password_store_deploy_key

Add the SSH key to the agent:

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_password_store_deploy_key

Restore the GPG secret key from QR code

Restore the public key first:

$ zbarcam -1 --raw -Sbinary > ~/tmp-public-key.gpg

Or if you already have an image:

$ zbarimg -1 --raw -q -Sbinary secret-key.qr.png > ~/tmp-public-key.gpg

Warning: You need to have the public key available when restoring the secret GPG paperkey backup!

Restore the GPG secret key from a camera:

$ zbarcam -1 --raw -Sbinary | paperkey --pubring ~/tmp-public-key.gpg | gpg --import

Or if you already have an image:

$ zbarimg -1 --raw -q -Sbinary secret-key.qr.png | paperkey --pubring ~/tmp-public-key.gpg | gpg --import

Note: You will be prompted for the GPG secret key password (below) in order to import

Change the keys trust to ultimate :

$ gpg --list-keys
$ gpg --edit-key 0D73297D7CB939CC6DB6302038954DD2384B1769
gpg> trust
  5 = I trust ultimately
gpg> save

Clone the password repo

Note: You will need the SSH key from above in order to clone the repo

$ git clone [email protected]:MadLittleMods/password-store.git ~/.password-store

Use pass like normal 🎉

Note: You will need the GPG secret key from above in order to decrypt passwords

Possible problems

Fix GPG permission errors

gpg: WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir '/Users/eric/.gnupg'
gpg: public key decryption failed: Permission denied
gpg: decryption failed: Permission denied

Solution via Super User answer by Alex Stragies (https://superuser.com/questions/954509/what-are-the-correct-permissions-for-the-gnupg-enclosing-folder-gpg-warning/954536#954536):

  1. Make sure, the folder+contents belong to you:
    chown -R $(whoami) ~/.gnupg/
  2. Correct access rights for .gnupg and subfolders:
    find ~/.gnupg -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
    find ~/.gnupg -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;

"Wrong password" when trying to decrypt password in Android Password Store app

gpg uses a certain flavor of AEAD encryption to generate keys that aren't compatible with other OpenPGP implementations.

Solution: Disable AEAD preference on your key (already mentioned in the initial GPG setup steps above)

Dev notes: